Bachelor Boss Society by Sara Ney

Hey everyone!!

Book 2 of  "The Bachelor Society" is now available.

Title: Bachelor Boss Society
  Series: The Bachelor Society
  Book #: 2
Author: Sara Ney

Side note: I recommend to read the first book then this book.

Ratings: (1-5)
  Characters: 4.5
  Plot: 4.5
  Interesting: 5
  Length: 5
  Sexiness: 4.5

  Have I read books by this author before: Yes, many of them.
  Thoughts on author: I absolutely enjoyed this book.  I loved the take on being office mates and I
                                    loved the dynamic between the characters.  I definitely had my laugh out
                                    loud moments along with my WTF moments.  Going into Dylan's book I
                                    thought it would be one thing.  Turns out it was totally different and it
                                    was so much better than!!

Book info:
  Kindle unlimited: No.
  P.O.V.: Hero, Heroine, and a special guest lol


I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Welcome to the Bachelor's Society!!  This is the place where guys go who think no woman will win them over and of course there is a bet.  In this society, 1 down and 2 more to go.  Who will make it to the end?

Dylan is one of two left in the Bastard Bachelor Society.  You know the secret club that holds meetings, while wearing velvet jackets, and being douchy.  The oath to stay single and never to be tied down.

Dylan's company is having a renovation on his side of the building.  Of course he missed the memo that he is going to have to share an office with someone else.  Unfortunately, for him Spencer is his new office mate.  You know the girl who watched him throw up after eating bad cream cheese.  He is hoping to get through the next four days with as little of distraction as possible.  Which is seeming to be almost impossible especially with Spencer right in front of him.

Spencer is dreading sharing her office with someone else.  She just hopes they do their job and stay on their side of the office.  When Spencer finds out her new office mate is the guy who threw up the other day she decides she want to get to know him.  With all of his rules, dodging questions, and his work ethic is driving her insane.  Will she be able to to make it through the week?

My thoughts:

I really enjoyed Spencer!!  She was a one in a kind character and she beats to her own drum.  As I was reading this book I kept thinking about a friend of mine.

Spencer reminds me of her.  My friend is very outgoing.  Can say weird things where you need to stop and think about what she just said.  My friend never shies away from people if anything she is in you face asking a million questions.

My friend is the type of person who would not only give you the shirt off your back, but give you her shoes and anything else you need.  Heart of gold, but is mostly taken the wrong way.

My favorite characters are the flawed ones.  I love when an author writes "unconventional" characters.  When there are characters like this one I loved the book a little more!!  Just saying.

As always,

Shh!! Me Time!!


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  4. Sara Ney's 'Bachelor Boss Society' sounds intriguing! While it's not about underwater thriller novels, it promises a captivating read. Can't wait to dive into this enticing story!


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